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MiEco Enviro Bamboo Toothbrush Child Soft


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The Environmental Bamboo Toothbrush was invented by a Dentist in Brisbane – its a sustainable option for brushing your teeth, the handles are made from bamboo, which is biodegradable.  This makes the toothbrush a more environmentally friendly option, as it wont pollute the environment.

Bamboo is a natural cellulose fibre, which grows quickly, which helps to avoid deforestation. The toothbrush’s packaging is also biodegradable.

The bristles are made from a BPA free polymer. Whilst this isn’t biodegradable, there isn’t yet an option on the marketplace that is. The bristles result in a much smaller impact to the earth than plastic toothbrushes. 

It is recommended that you rinse and dry your toothbrush after use – this will help preserve the life of the toothbrush. A toothbrush can last anywhere from a month to 3 months, or longer depending on its use and how its looked after.

To dispose of the toothbrush: cut the bristles off into your regular garbage, and then dispose of the handle into compost or landfill – the handle will break down into the soil without polluting it. 


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